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Bladder and Bowel Q2 2023

Refusing to stop ketamine abuse can lead to bladder and kidney failure

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illustration of patient and doctor
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Mo Belal

Consultant Urological Surgeon, University Hospitals Birmingham

Ketamine is a popular recreational drug that has been used for decades. However, recent studies have shown that its abuse can lead to serious bladder problems.

Ketamine is a dissociative anaesthetic that has been used in medicine for many years. However, when taken in large quantities, it can cause a range of physical and mental health problems. One of the most concerning side effects is the development of ketamine bladder.

What is ketamine bladder, and why is it damaging?

Ketamine bladder is a condition that affects the bladder and urinary tract. It is characterised by symptoms such as frequent urination, painful urination and blood in the urine. In severe cases, ketamine bladder can lead to bladder dysfunction, chronic pain, kidney failure and even the need for bladder removal surgery.

Ketamine bladder is a serious and potentially life-altering condition that can result from the abuse
of this popular recreational drug.

Recent research has shown that chronic abuse of ketamine can cause damage to the bladder and urinary tract. This is because ketamine can interfere with the normal function of the bladder lining, leading to inflammation, scarring and other types of damage. This can spread to the ureters, affecting the passage of urine from the kidney to the bladder — causing a blockage.

Prevention and treatment of ketamine bladder

The best way to prevent ketamine bladder is to avoid using the drug altogether. However, for those who have already developed the condition, there are treatments available. These may include medications, lifestyle changes and even surgery, in severe cases. It is essential to seek medical attention if you are experiencing any symptoms of ketamine bladder.

Ketamine bladder is a serious and potentially life-altering condition that can result from the abuse of this popular recreational drug. It is essential to understand the risks associated with ketamine use and to take steps to prevent and treat ketamine bladder if necessary.

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