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Understanding The Brain 2020


‘Girlfriends for Life’ – Josef Hinterleitner (Austria) “Karin’s best friend Aischa has MS, but despite the disability they are a heart and a soul.”

Donna Walsh

Executive Director, European Federation of Neurological Associations

Sharing #LifeGoals has become a popular trend in social media. These #LifeGoals are often frivolous wishes like living in a beach hut in the Bahamas, driving a Maserati or buying a ridiculously expensive designer handbag! So, what are #BrainLifeGoals?

The European Federation of Neurological Associations [EFNA] has put a new spin on this trend by asking the community of people living with neurological disorders to share their life goals: #BrainLifeGoals.

Many of those affected by neurological disorders have joined the conservation to highlight fundamental goals that they are striving towards.

Goals have included: riding a bike again, driving a car without pain, being a more active parent, staying at work full-time, or just having society understand.

“Things many of us take for granted are just dreams for those living with neurological disorders” says Donna Walsh, EFNA Executive Director.

“This campaign is about collecting these dreams but then taking them to our politicians, doctors, researchers and wider society to make them understand how we can and should be helping those affected.

“Many patients will live for many years – sometimes a lifetime – with these debilitating conditions, so we really need to focus on quality of life and on what we can do that will make a real difference.”

The campaign, which has been running for over a year, has also extended its reach beyond social media.

EFNA provided grants to eight patient organisations across Europe – covering ADHD, Parkinson’s, stroke, myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), cavernoma and restless legs syndrome – to develop disease-specific or national awareness raising initiatives.

The campaign has also been taken to medical congresses, policy forums and advocacy meetings as a key tool in raising awareness and advocating for the needs of those living with neurological disorders.

Get involved

To celebrate Brain Awareness Week, why not join the conversation? Search for and use #BrainLifeGoals on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram. Or visit:

About EFNA

The European Federation of Neurological Associations is an umbrella group representing pan-European neurology patient groups. It works in the areas of advocacy, awareness, empowerment and engagement to improve the quality of life of all those living with a neurological disorders in Europe.

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