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Our campaign partners

iStock / Getty IMages Plus / KatarzynaBialasiewicz

fAABI is a London-based charity with a mission to create a client-led service; running activities that support people living with an acquired brain injury (ABI) to build the knowledge, skills and confidence to live life to the fullest. We create a comfortable and non-judgmental environment where people with an ABI their loved ones can come together and strengthen bonds, as well as have the opportunity to get to know new people and create new friendships. Join the mailing list at https://faabi.org.uk/join-us/

BABICM represents the professional interests of brain injury & complex case managers, and evidences industry best practice at the highest level – with significant influence. As the largest membership organisation for brain injury & complex case managers, we are renowned for offering training with industry-leading experts, specialist topics, relevant support and guidance as well as first class professional development.
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