Dan Severn
CEO, DM Orthotics ltd
For a patient to achieve maximum success, regarding their condition management, both companies and clinical specialists must go above and beyond and treat each patient and presentation as individual, and unique in circumstance.
Alex has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome which causes his body’s connectives tissue and its collagen to become fragile and stretchy.[1]
How common are Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes?
The most common type of EDS affects 1 in 5,000 people however current research is outdated and this condition often goes undiagnosed or is misdiagnosed[2].
Alex’s story and journey with soft orthotics
Before wearing his orthotic leggings, Alex would be in a tremendous amount of pain causing him to cry out in the night and quickly become unsettled. His condition also caused him to hyper extend his lower body, which could often cause him to lose his balance.
Alex was prescribed the leggings by Pam, a clinical specialists. Jacqui (Alex’s mum) has reported that he rarely complains of lower limb pain and often experiences the benefits of his orthoses even when he isn’t wearing them, due to the carry over effect from the strategic paneling and biomechanical reinforcement.
Reduced fear and increase in independence
Alex’s mum Jacqui also said “his teachers have commented how ‘steady’ he is and no longer fear him stepping on others or losing his balance. Alex has not fallen in the last 12 months resulting in his usual trip to A&E to be glued! Alex runs and plays football with his friends and has the confidence to climb climbing frames, hop, run and jump around. Previously he was fearful in case he injured himself or the activity hurt. When he is not wearing his DMO Alex no longer hyperextends his knees, rotates his legs in or sticks his bottom out to maintain his posture. Alex stands in a beautiful midline symmetrical position.”
Long-term use for better quality of life
Soft orthoses are used by both adults and children worldwide and have helped patients return to work, interact and play confidently with other children and for some patients reduced their trips to A & E or the need to take their pain medication.
How do Dynamic Movement Orthoses work?
Management of the physical effects of both neurological and musculoskeletal conditions is paramount for patients wishing to increase both their independence and their functional abilities.
Dynamic Movement Orthoses work using biomechanical paneling and strategic reinforcements that realign the body, provide increased proprioception and improve postural alignment.
There is a multitude of research published on the effectiveness of Dynamic Movement Orthoses which can be found here.
[1] – https://www.ehlers-danlos.org/what-is-eds/ | [2] – https://www.ehlers-danlos.org/what-is-eds/information-on-eds/types-of-eds/